Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models. | society

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Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.
기사입력 2018-11-09 13:55   최종편집 LBMA STAR


MrUson Berdibay is no longer ND of LBMA Central Asia for kids models & top models. From Oct. 28th till Nov.1st, 2018 in Korea, 5 top models and 2 parents with 11 kids models plus 11 parents with Uson and his staff Gulbanu, all together 31 person had arrived to Korea to participate for the Luxury Brand Model Awards & Luxury Brand Kids Model Awards Global Fashion Week 2018. 


▲Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.     ©LBMA STAR

The kids models and the parents from Kazakhstan had already paid the fees to Uson / nationality : Kyrgyzstan  but untill now, he has not paid the kids models and the  parents participation fee which is total 15,600 us$.


▲Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.     ©LBMA STAR

Moreover inside our entry forms with terms and conditions, the participation fee for kids models and parents are 1,600 us$, but he had received 2,200 us$


▲Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.     ©LBMA STAR

from the parents. This happened because he has only showed our entry form except the terms and conditions where the participation fee and the award prize are written. So that also became possible in the past the award kids models winners couldn't receive the cash prize we have given to Uson. 


▲Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.     ©LBMA STAR


▲Wanted!!! MrUson Berdibay Central Asia for kids models & top models.     ©LBMA STAR

Also had involved with money from some of the parents to make them win at ㆍour event but we never ask or receive money from the parents. 4 peoples are involved, Uson and his brother Alexander Scout , Gulbanu and her brother Nursultan. Gulbanu came with Uson in Korea using the same room but ran away from the hotel at dawn leaving all their belongings. Of course angry Kazakhstan moms had interviewed the national tv in Kazakhstan right after they arrived their country and was broadcast. In 2014 also had a similar case in Kyrgyzstan, in his original country and also made a press released. Uson can not use our logo, name, also facebook and instagram using our logo and name. Had received information he is trying to cast kids in Kazakhstan again to join an event in Hong Kong this Dec. The Kyrgyzstan embassy in Korea with  immigration office knows about this case and we had also filed a report to the police department. He is no longer working as our ND in Korea.

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